Sunday 22 September 2019

Need of gender, sexuality and reproductive health curriculum: feedback, reflections and stories!

There are so many ways one can find out whether the knowledge that was imparted in class or sessions or any other activity is received or not by the participants but nothing can beat an honest feedback from the participants. So this time we invited the participants of My Perch to share how was their experience of attending various sessions of Gender, sexuality and reproductive health program?

‘I didn’t attend the first session because I was feeling embarrassed since I have my brother and sister participating in the workshop also I was skeptical as to why should I attend these sessions? I used to believe that everyone is equal, they all get equal opportunities and everything is running in particular rhythm in our society. I never believed that girls are anyways restricted from going out of house or expressing themselves but now I realize how wrong I was. Even I didn’t let my sister go out and tell her what to do and what not to. But I see things differently and I won’t repeat the same mistakes!’

‘I was feeling so weird for having these conversations especially because boys were also there. I was so hesitant to share things but with each session I became at ease and now I enjoy small things and these conversations a lot. I feel strong enough to share my thoughts and feelings’

‘We had some didi coming to our school to conduct session on gender and body parts. I was so happy that I already knew what are private parts of girls and boys? And I knew what gender is so I answered all questions openly without being shy.’

‘I enjoyed this activity of Judgment circle because I got to know what all wrong things I have been saying to people without thinking’

‘I used to tell my elder sister not to go out and hear my mother say the same thing but now I ask my mother questions and don’t interfere in my sisters matter unless she asks for any help’

‘Whenever I used to ask how babies are borne, I always got the answer that they are a gift of god! Now I know how babies are borne and whatever lies were told was because they were too embarrassed to talk about sex’

‘In the first session, I was bored to death, in the second session I thought that didi has no shame, in the third session I let go of my shame and embarrassment. With each session, I learnt something new and exciting and no I can engage in these conversations even at home! I ask questions and I loved the session on gender’

‘I was feeling very shy, embarrassed and scared during the session on periods and sex education. It was difficult to ask questions though I had many. These activities have opened my mind and helped me challenge my fears’

‘I enjoyed judgment circle, I got to know the feeling when someone judges you for who you are! I didn’t know about periods I thought it is like sweat that comes out from private parts of girls but I never really understood the purpose of pads but now I am pretty aware of things’

‘Unlike others I was too excited for the sessions. I always had so many questions but didn’t know whom to ask without coming across as shameless! I enjoyed all these activities and conversations around adolescence, it gave me lot of clarity’

‘Whenever any activity had game element I loved it, I enjoyed small groups sharing. My favorite session was on gender and sexuality because I always thought that there are only girls and boys and no one else!’

‘I never knew about periods but with the session I understood that it is a crucial physical change that starts in girls during their puberty. Few days back one of my friend was making fun of a girl who was buying pad from a pharmacy store, I stopped him and told him everything I knew. And so he stopped.’

These feedback and conversations in all our session emphasis the need of comprehensive sexuality education, a safe space where they can share their feelings, thoughts and ask questions without the fear of getting judged or negated! This also challenges the very notion that society throws at us that this kind of information is not needed by the adolescents – our sessions continues to prove otherwise!  

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