‘I can be good leader. I can do many things quite well’
one statement speaks volume about the social change that we at Sahas have been
working towards since the year 2020 with the girls in Khushipura village. I
remember the first workshop with the girls; they were hesitant, rarely speaking
no matter what kind of question or activity they were engaging in. That was not
because they had nothing to say or they didn’t understand but the girls in this
village never had a space where they can sit comfortably and talk about things
that matter to them. It is our honor and privilege to now have five incredible
girls who have traversed through all of it to now being Sahasi Leaders.
Girls program was launched in March 2023 with the aim to make gender equality a
reality in Rural India where the voices of girls shaped the framework of the
program. Last year in August after a workshop on community building and
leadership, these girls were chosen based on their participation, curiosity and
aspirations to do something in their real beyond the gendered expectations of
the society. And since then, they have ideated, co-created and organized 12
meet ups with their respective groups to learn, share and build a space for
each other!
facilitated a Sahasi Leader reflections meet up in the month of Feb. to
co-create a space where all of us could reflect, learn, share and feel
inspired. Before the meet up, we conducted English and Mathematics class for a
girl with disability (she has also joined our program). One of the Sahasi
leaders accompanied us till her home. It was wonderful to see that not only she
was immersed in what was being taught to her, she also helped her in studying
and promised to check on her. Their interaction was something that we wish for
the girls in India and everywhere where they support each other and walk the
path of gender equity.
Sahasi Leader meet up began with setting the context and reiterating the
objective and goal behind starting leadership program for girls. In the first
activity, the girls were invited to reflect on their strengths and things where
they need to work more or require support.
can be a good leader. I can do many things well’
am a good student.’
many hurdles, I have been able to come for meetings regularly’
am hard working, good in arts and have good hand writing’
that need improvement
don’t interest me that much’
am unable to go to college because I don’t know how to ride bicycle. My father
didn’t want to repair the tablet so I am unable to study’
don’t know how to speak English’
didn’t make the right decision. I didn’t pursue Education.’
forget things easily’
the next activity, we invited Sahasi Leaders to share their experience of
facilitating meet up-
tried to do facilitate the meeting just as you do. We played games, everyone
enjoyed. But in one game, she kept hitting me. It was painful – I got angry but
then too we didn’t stop the meeting. We completed the meeting and shared
pictures with you. It was good’
am happy that we were able to conduct meeting on our own without you! I didn’t
think that was quite possible. All our meetings went well and I enjoyed it’
read stories, recited poems and then at the end the participants said that we should
give some refreshments because didi also gives. I was shocked but they were
right, so we distributed toffees.’
was part of another group but she never turned up so I joined other group. We had
so much fun especially the meeting in December and in Jan 2025. We talked about
our aspirations for New Year and also wrote that we want to go for trip’
facilitator used this moment to share that not knowing English isn’t a personal
weakness. English is not our native language, we don’t speak it in daily lives
so it’s okay not to know it. But it is needed in Education and work, so it must
be treated like a skill that can be learned. The conversation on skills and
possible opportunities for work gave us a hint that a career counseling session
can be conducted for them so that they can explore their options.
their reflections; we shared our thoughts and reflections on their leadership creatively
in form of report card. They were excited and quite happy to receive them.
Continuing the joyous moment, the facilitator highlighted the leadership values
depicted by two of the Sahasi Leaders that can be adapted by others. We then
felicitated the Sahasi Leaders who have been consistent, innovative and
depicted commitment towards community development.
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