at you, you are so fat. Why don’t you go for walk? Please eat less, you can eat
food later but can’t get your body back. Look at your friend, she is so slim,
she is so active but you just want to increase your weight.” “People always
like how you present yourself, your qualities are of no use because no one
would be interested in talking to a fatso like you.”
“I always thought you are
a behenji before I interacted with you. Why don’t you change the way you
are?”These are few of the thousands things that I have heard while growing up,
(not that now things are different and yes my close ones have said the above
lines) they are painful, hurtful and I couldn’t really develop a positive
relationship with my body. But with time, I realised that this is who I am and
refused to bow down to unnecessary pressure to change my body to suit the
societal norms of perfect body.
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Mirror..Mirror, how do I look? |
personal connect with “Body image” issue motivated me to pre-pond the session
and I know adolescents spend a lot of time thinking about their body and how
they can achieve the desirable body image created by media and society. As soon
as we reached home after 5 hour long workshop on ‘love, sex and relationship’
and 2 hours of metro ride, we hopped on to the re-design the session. Since the
next day happened to be 15 August, most of the shops would be closed and so we
had no option but to write most of the logistics on our own. Damn my body was
aching, eyes were red and swollen but enthusiasm kept me going. The beginning
of the independence was very hectic, a computer shop was open- we grabbed
printouts of the questionnaire, ran to catch rickshaw, took out some cash and
ran to catch metro. In the metro too, I was writing furiously, thankfully we
reached on time. The participants were excited for both Independence Day and
the workshop. I can see that boys and girls have opened up, there was different
kind of energy altogether.
we began with the energizer ‘Happy Happy dance’ where each participant had to
dance as they would dance when they are very happy. Oh yes even I danced :-)
The participants were then invited one by one to see themselves in mirror and
write the first thought that come to their mind when they see themselves in the
mirror. It was very powerful activity as one of the participant came to me to
share, “In summers, I get pimples, people make fun of me. I hope I never get
them”. This was followed by visioning activity where in participants were
invited to see how would they look like in terms of their bodies, hairstyle,
height, looks when they are 20 years old and then they wrote letter to their
future self. The adolescents took their time, then resorted to a particular
place and with unexpected silence wrote letters.
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Writing letter to future body |
screened “Lesser men” and mapped their thoughts around what was shown in the
movie? The participants were then divided into groups of 4 wherein they had to
think about the latest television commercials and fill up the questionnaire
which had questions around the body shapes and types seen in the same.
Based on
the movie “Lesser men”, questionnaire and mapped thoughts we explained the
ideas of Masculinity, Feminine and Body image. I wasn’t surprised to hear when
a 12 year old shared that he wants to have a body like well-known actor, voice
like that of popular Pop star. 15 year old asked, “So what is the right age for
me to go to gym? I am very skinny and I want to look muscular?”![]() |
What is Body image? |
participants were then divided into 4 groups and were given situations around
body image issues; once they discuss it in their respective groups they
presented the answers in larger circle. I particularly liked this tool (small
group discussion and then presentation in larger circle) as small group sharing
motivate more intense participation, people who are otherwise shy feel comfortable
in sharing in small groups, this also helps in team building and presenting the
discussion in the larger group gives more confidence and helps in building
leadership qualities.
“If I was Rahul, I would practice cricket more, eat
healthy food rather than going to gym. I wouldn’t copy anyone else” “If someone
judges me for my clothes, then they are not my friends. I would definitely go
to party as I am invited, if someone has problems about my clothes then they
better not come” “Ram should ignore his friends advice and focus on studies as
he likes studying. His friends are just trying to distract him”
answers just proved that adolescents are so open to learning, though there were
layers of social conditioning but they are ready to peal it off provided they
are given right information. I was so happy to see the pro-active participation
of the 10 year old kid who joined our workshop the previous day, he not only
shared the agreements for the workshop but also lead the group activity.
Earlier, this day during revision, 15 year old participant shared how a woman
gets pregnant and explained sexual intercourse in detail naming the male and
female sexual organs, while a 14 year old explained what masturbation is? And
they remembered the Hindi name as well.
and female don’t always do sex for giving birth to children. Kids are big
responsibility and one needs to be prepared for it. So when two mature
individuals wants to have sex and not get pregnant then male partner wears
condom on his sexual organjust like we wear gloves in our hands. It is one of
the safest ways to prevent pregnancy with success rate of 95-98%” shared an 11
year old participant. I had tears in my eyes and goose bumps throughout. Wow!
He actually remembers this and the confidence with which he shared one of the
most tabooed things in front of 20 people is unbelievable! How beautiful and
better, society would become if all the adolescents could get this information
and are informed about what is happening to them in terms of their physical,
emotional, psychological and social state. It would be no less than a
revolution of its own kind. These words are imprinted in my heart forever :-)
ongoing engagement with 20 adolescents has changed so many things about me, I
have become more open to learning, answering curious questions, giving away
unnecessary assumptions and never ending energy of adolescents. With every
passing day we are becoming more confident in taking ‘Sahas’ all across the
country for much needed knowledge building on Gender, sexuality and
reproductive health. As
someone has rightly said, “the more aware you’re of your body, the more
confident you become”.
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