“Would like to share a positive sexual
experience here?”
“Yes or No”
Almost all of us nodded
to say ‘No’
“Then how do you ask a
woman to share experience of sexual assault, in this case 9 years old to
explain what had happened to her in the correct sequence to someone whom she
doesn’t even know? Don’t you think this is problematic?”
This powerful opening
dialogue by Naina Kapur, Advocate and Preventive Law and Equality Practitioner made
all of us rethink about ‘Violence against Women’.
With Meenakshi Gopinath |
Sahas got an amazing
opportunity to participate in 3 day conference on “Effective Intervention and
Communication Strategies to Counter Violence Against Women- A National
Consultation” organized by Women in Security, Conflict Management and Peace
First day of the
National Consultation began with the session on “Legality or Justice: The
Issues at Stake” with the objective of exploring the challenges within the
justice delivery systems and also to examine the accomplishments of the
judicial system post of Criminal Law Amendment Act 2013. Justice Gita Mittal
shared some of the very important happenings post Nirbhaya rape case which
included report by Justice Verma Committee. She shared a case of 7 years old
who accused 19 year old boy of sexual assault, while writing report police
mentioned “Galat kaam”, Magistrate referred to it as “Buri harkaatein” and
Judge again addressed it as “Galat kaam”, when this case was presented before
High Court- the court had to let go of the accused because reports didn’t bring
out the ingredients of the sexual offence. She highlighted the reluctance of
the officials to engage with the detailing and the use of proper vocabulary
around the sexual offense be it penetration, sexual abuse etc. She believes
that along with legal intervention there should be parallel program of the
Education system to work on the mindsets and to curb violence against women.
Justice Gita Mittal |
Ruth Manorma,
President, National Alliance of Women talked about how Dalits have survived
5000 years of violence. With effective facts and figures, she highlighted the
atrocities faced by Dalit women and their fight for justice. “We don’t need
paper tigers, we need substantial reforms” says Ruth Manorma.
Ruth Manorma |
Naina Kapur spoke
about “Equality- A Pivotal Benchmark”. It was interesting to hear that equality
in current scenario is bot given (as per Constitution of India) and an
aspiration. She also criticized law- as she feels that though there have been
some systemic reforms but they fail to touch the underline issue of violence
against women.
Second session “Walking
the talk on VAW” which had special address by MaryKay L. Carlson who talked
about 16 days of activism against Gender based violence which starts from 25
November till 10 December this year in depth followed by Dr. Rebecca R.
Tavares, Representative, UN Women office for India, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh
who emphasized on mindsets, communications and social norms while engaging in
the discussion about Gender Based Violence.
Post Lunch session on
“Changing Attitudes and Behavior through popular culture: The impact of
Advertising and Multimedia Campaigns” was very interesting and amazing. Pamela
Philpose started the session by throwing light on how media projects smiling
passive women, beautiful gifts to be unwrapped and as object of men’s desire
rather than individuals though the word “objectification of women” came much
later. Dipti Nath, Assistant Professor,
LSR through glistening presentation and videos talked about changing media
discourse post Nirbhaya case for example- AIB’ video “Rape- It’s my fault”, MARD supported by
Farhan Akhtar, Abhijeet Avasthi made the advertisement on Hizras guiding people
about traffic rules which according to her were making valuable impact- liberal
and progressive mindset.

Maala Parvathi’s
account of violence and discrimination in the state of Kerala was appalling and
scary. She shared how she was abused sexually in a public bus while travelling
at night due to her assignment as Journalist. Also when she started fighting
the injustice by conducting night journeys she was shamed by calling her
attention and publicity seeker, though she didn’t stop and her efforts resulted
in better safety practices for public transport. “In Kerala, you just have to
smile and that makes you available for men there, such is the condition and no
one talks about it”
Maala Parvathi |
Sanjay Srivastava,
Professor, Institute of Economic Growth talked about basic difference between
masculinity and patriarchy and then about the work he is engaging in.
Interestingly there was lot of talk about women regaining public spaces and use
of safety apps on smart phones, how many women actually have smart phone and
know how to use them is still questionable? Another important aspect is 90%
cases of violence against happens in home or crowded public transport by someone
who is close to them then why just talk about mobility only in public spaces?
Mrinalini Padhi |
The second day of
National Consultation began with the fifth session that revolved around the
strategies to prevent and end domestic violence and examine intimate partner
violence beyond the institution of marriage. Suneeta Dhar, Advisor, Jagori
began the discussion by explaining the difference between Domestic Violence (it
is largely borne by women; however now it includes both child and elder abuse)
and Intimate partner violence which includes same sex relationships as well.
She also shared about how Jagori is working against DV- by providing them space
where they can come in the time of crisis, also forming peer collectives of
survivors who then become first respondents in their respective community.
Jagori is also actively working for the budget that is allocated in the name of
Nirbhaya fund or for curbing violence against women.
Sonali Khan, Vice
President and Country Director- India, Breakthrough shared about their recent
project that is running in 7 districts of eastern Uttar Pradesh- their studies
shows that there is high prevalence of violence for both adolescent boys and
girls but higher reporting is by boys, also it talks about how physical, mental
and sexual violence is so much accepted and is imbibed in our culture and
society because that’s how society can exercise its control and manages itself.
She talked about Breakthrough’s initiative ‘bell bajao’, “apni ek kahani apne
bĂŞte ke sath share karein” which became hugely popular as such conversation
doesn’t happen at home and this ad acted as a trigger for such conversation and
also “Stand with me- be my safe space” where people can share whatever they
feel like. So Breakthrough works on broadcast to engagement where people get
space to talk out!
Mrinalini Padhi talked
about the gap in the laws and their implementation- backward chaining is not
happening for example Supreme court has banned the sale of acids in market but
it is still available in the markets as the stakeholders like retail and
wholesalers don’t know about the judgment so they engage in disseminating
information in vernacular form to stakeholders. She brought out a very crucial
point regarding tribal law and culture- there the women is not even aware about
their basic rights hence gets victimized very conveniently. “Language of Law
should be made simple so that common people can understand. It is complex made
for lawyers so that they can confuse judges!”

The sixth session
“Gender Identity, Intersectionality and Socio-political conflicts” had some
very amazing speakers Vrinda Grover who talked about impunity (looking at
sexual violence against women through intersectionality lens). She shared an
example where they had gone to address army soldiers in Kashmir about the mass
rape cases in villages of Kashmir, after her a Retd. Army officer addressing
the crowd said that he had gone to one of the village and asked woman there
“yaha koi rape hua tha?” to which woman replied, “Mujhe pata nahi ye rape kya
hota hai”. To her surprise he received high end applause. This insensitivity is
questionable, it is important to think what is that which is reinforcing
impunity? Impunity is nothing but institutional habits of not giving justice
and that needs to be disrupted. Vrinda Grover with her powerful and eye opening
dialogue enlightened us about Socio-political aspect of violence against women.
Ezabir Ali spoke about
her work on the rights of half widows in Kashmir. I was hearing this for the
first time and to work in Kashmir hats off!!
The stories from the filed session talked about the initiatives which
have become successful over the years. Poonam Muttreja, Executive Director, Population
Foundation of India shared about Edutainment-Challenging Social Norms to
counter violence against women through a series “mein kuch bhi kar sakti hoo”
that was aired on Doordarshan, Radio, News and IVRS which had 58 million
viewers across India with 48% viewers being men. The serial deals with powerful
women empowerment issues with sensitivity and realistic approach.
Manjari Jaruhar through
a presentation on “Legal Rights and issues to create Awareness among women”
shared her story of being an IPS officer in 1976 posted in Bihar. MLA of the
district where she was posted said to her senior, “Ladhkiyon ko mat post
kijiye, problem ho jayegi”, however she didn’t stop and carried out her duties
with utmost sincerity and responsibility. In her presentation, she mentioned
that there are plethora of Laws that came into existence post Nirbhaya case but
implementation is poor and even police is not aware about it- some of them
being that women can file Zero FIR, free legal aid, right to privacy while
recording the statement of the victim, case can be registered against police
officials for not filing FIR among many others. Interestingly this 3 day
conference had people from learned background still many of us were unaware
about these laws.

The 3rd Day
started with the session on “Education and socialization to counter Gender
Biasis and Discrimination” with Dr. Krishna Menon, Professor at Ambedkar
University throwing light on how teachers should be mindful of gendered nature
of classroom and try to build Feminist classroom. I particularly loved the way
Jaya Indiresan, Research and Training Consultant, CAP Foundation shared her
experience of starting Gender positive initiative in engaging manner. She
believes that every teacher must be a Human Resource Developer and the
educators be MBA- moving beyond academics. Following her, Ravi Gulati shared
his journey of founding Manzil where every person is a student and teacher at
the same time. He gave key words for
progress “Sunnana- Samjhna and Gudhna”.

The last session was
about Brainstorming on core recommendations of the WISCOMP consultation where
some amazing suggestions came up like the strong need of directory of words or
vocabulary, there must be mapping of various initiatives that work on issues of
gender and violence, zero tolerance towards violence whether it is social,
economic, political, physical or sexual in nature, questioning gender
mainstreaming and yes breaking the culture of silence and culture if
reinforcing of fear.
It was interesting, eye
opener and intimidating at the same time to attend National Consultation. The
state of violence in southern part of India particularly Kerala where we have
highest literacy rate alarmed me, I was actually thinking that UP, Bihar,
Rajasthan and Jharkhand are better because there is open discussion and work
going in here to fight against violence and inequalities. Also to know that
Feminist organizations are working in troubled states of Kashmir and North East
was motivating. National Consultation gave a brilliant platform for the
Feminist discourse having people across the country to discuss the current
legal, socio-economic, educational scenario with respect to Gender based