Tuesday 19 November 2019

Male gaze, heterosexuality Vs homosexuality and Patriarchy: Can a gender sensitive Police really challenge the societal norms?

When we talk about gender and patriarchy, it seems very confusing as to which one created other! Is it gender that brought the system of patriarchy? Or was it Patriarchy that gave birth to gender norms? To explore more and understand how they impact our lives, we engaged with Police participants on gender differences they see or experience while they are in different spaces. Few of the observations shared by participants are:

‘All the household chores like cooking food, washing dishes, clothes, decorating home or putting henna are all classified as women’s work’
‘Buying vegetables, paying bills, changing bulbs or electricity bills comes under the category of work men are expected to do ’
‘Boys are thrashed more’
‘Women are not allowed to go out of home – if they have to go out, they have to ask for permission. If they go out they are asked to come before sun sets’
‘Men do cleaning of cars and fans’
‘Boys/men come home drunk’

‘All the work that needs physical capacity has to be done by men’
‘There is a big difference between the toys of girls and boys; you would always find a teddy bear or dolls in girls’ room’
‘Blue is for boys and pink is for girls’
‘It is always women who get up first in the households; if we are going for picnic they pack food and other stuff. They not only do their work but also do other’s work’
‘Girls are more responsible and mature than boys’
‘All the important decisions including finance ones for family are taken by men’
‘It is women who take care of the money matters related to household expenditures’

‘Most of the times girls are able to study till primary or middle level education; they are either made to study in Hindi medium or in government school so that least amount of money is spent on them’
‘There are typical jobs assigned for girls like be Doctor, teacher, banking etc.’
‘If a family doesn’t have sound economic background, then the girl would have to drop out of school even if she is better in studies than her brother’
‘Even in co-ed schools, the number of girls would be less’
‘Drop rate for girls is still very high, they are not sent outside village/town or any other city for further studies’
‘It is assumed that boys are notorious and girls are sweet and nice in the school’
‘When we see textbooks especially history, we would get to read more about glory tales of kings and hardly mentions of women warriors’
‘Even if we are talking about women rules, we use the term mardani for Jhansi ki rani comparing their strength with men!’
‘The primary school mostly have female teachers considering that women have caring behavior so they can take care of younger kids’
‘Girls are discouraged from any education that leads to risk taking jobs’

‘It is forbidden for women to choose media as career’
‘As compared to actors in the film industry, actress are paid very less’
‘Career of actress is over once they are married’
‘Media industry objectifies women in every possible ways; for example in advertisement for a product to be used by men would invariably have women with an intention to seduce men to buy the product’
‘Daily soaps or meaningless gossip programs will always have women or are meant for women however crime shows, adventure shows, hard core news will always have men. Even the title of shows are like – Men Vs Wild’
‘Male actor could be black, short or old but beauty standards for actress is mandatory – they have to be fair, sexy figure and young’
‘Item songs, cheer leading are all supposed to be women’s job!’
‘The leading job that shapes up media like director or producer are mostly men’
‘Talking specifically about news – finance, sports, crime and prime time – they would have men as presenter’s’
‘Interestingly, makeup artists are men; all the cooking shows like Master Chef as men as chefs’
‘Talking about social media, women get more likes and comments on their posts while boys get funny comments or slurs. Women experience more stalking, character attack on their opinions, get derogatory personal messages’
‘It is also said casually that women/girls who are very active on social media don’t have good character’

Religion –
‘Outside home, most of the religious practices and prayers are conducted by men; there are some serious and very strict rules for women only’
‘All the high position in different religions as priest, paigambar, gurus and others are for men’
‘When girls hit puberty, it is that time when they are classified as pure and impure related to religious practices’
‘Thread ceremony – upnayan sanskar is carried out for boys; pind dhan a very scared ceremony for elders of family is also done by boys, simple practices like breaking coconut which is considered auspicious for beginning of any work has to be done by men’
‘Girls are forbidden to visit graveyard or giving fire to their dead parents that’s also considered as men’s duty’
‘All the discriminating or derogatory practices like sati pratha, devdasi for women are borne out of religion’

Work place/ Police force –
‘Risky position like naxalite areas, conflict zones and decision making positions are clearly kept for men in Police force’
‘People don’t prefer girls from police force for marriage’
‘Women are given leverage in physical tests as compared to men’
‘Women officers are addressed as sir and many a times they also prefer being called sir’
‘If a man is Police, he won’t be addressed as male police but women would be addressed as female police for sure’
‘No one really likes working under women police officer, they don’t take women’s order seriously as well’
‘The positions in Police forces are created keeping men in mind’
It was interesting to witness a long and engaging discussion on how names of jobs are gendered and whenever a woman occupies that job then automatically we add woman/female to it. Also how a woman would never object to it but men surely does like nurse; so if a man is addressed as nurse, he would quickly add male nurse because he is offended by the very profile as job of nurse is supposed to be for women.

Public spaces -
‘Men urinate publicly without any shame.’
‘You would see men more in public spaces while women are restricted to homes’
‘Men can smoke or drink in public but if woman dares smoke then hell will break loose’
‘No one would say anything is a man roams around for 3-4 hours outside without any reason but if a girl just stand outside then she would be questioned elaborately’
‘What man sees in woman while in public space – her breasts’
‘The first thought or feeling that invariably crowds a girl when she sees a boy in public space is fear! She gets scared that he might touch her, just breeze beside her making her uncomfortable’
‘Girls are rarely seen alone in public spaces, they are either accompanied with someone they are related to or with their friends’
‘Girls ponder a lot over safety issues while going out of their homes’
‘If a boy is seen with different girls he is called stud and becomes popular but if a girl is seen with boys, people immediately point towards her character’

With the help of these points, we engaged on the common pattern that we see in all these spaces, who has access to resources, who has upper hand when it comes to decision making and who is benefiting? Discussion over the gender differences evident in various spaces and the conversations post that were used to explain patriarchy and how it affects people with different gender and sexual identities and not just women in general.

I was surprised when one of the participant talked about male gaze in public spaces, most of the women have experienced it but no one really has courage to voice out discomfort when they encounter it. Interestingly that doesn’t even count as an act of violence which is punishable! Police has to act a lot in public spaces, I wonder how would these people who are aware about it can deal with it? Will they acknowledge it and challenge it or would they see it and ignore it?

Another interesting discussion followed after this, where we talked about different gender and sexual identities, the notion of heterosexuality being normal and abolition of 377! It was heartening to hear that at least they are aware of the terms however it was quite evident that many of them were uncomfortable with the idea of homosexuality. Honestly I believe that once you acknowledge the existence, you can move ahead towards acceptance.

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